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duration 2hour 4 Minutes. country USA. After the Rebels are brutally overpowered by the Empire on the ice planet Hoth, Luke Skywalker begins Jedi training with Yoda, while his friends are pursued by Darth Vader. Adventure. year 1980.


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Free Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Movie Download In HD quality replica.

This scene is just as my boss arrives in his company after vacation haha

0:24 I can only imagine how surprised were the people in the theatres when the biggest badass they've seen so far suddenly cancels his own orders and runs like a lapdog to follow somebody's orders. Great way to show how powerful Palpatine is without saying a single word about it. How did you went from this to I truly. deeply love you. George. This is what it is like when I pick up my father from the airport. P. Free Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Movie Download In HD quality management.

Damn those stormtroopers are like Don't move or he will electrocute you. No nerfs were herded in the making of this scene. That's a win in my book Stop it now Mmm a m m m ah mmm ah.

Thank you everyone for supporting me and the galactic empire

When I was a kid and saw this for the first time I thought the AT-ATs were actually alive


I am not one of those guys that could watch this movie in the theater. Actually I also couldn't catch the ROTS also. But I grew up with The Clone Wars, and that series made me a huge fan of the SW saga. And push me to consume nearly everything about the SW, from comic books to games. And from all these products, this movie is the best one that represents the soul of this great saga. Glad youre having such a good time. The secret of Darth Vader being Lukes father was tightly held. The cast members didnt even know about it. Mark Hamill, who plays Luke, was told just before filming that part. What was in the script was “Obi Wan killed your father”. James Earl Jones who did the voice over for Darth Vader was told as he was recording his voice for the scene and he had the same reaction as you, he thought they were lying. Cant wait for more videos from you, on all kinds of content.

Free Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Movie Download In HD quality control. Free Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Movie Download In HD quality inn. Emperor: I have no doubt this boy is the son of Anakin Skywalker. Vader: Shit! Twenty years of retroactive child support.

Amazing movie and incredible sound im thx. 4k br discs next year on all sw movies

IT IS TRAILER. Like me visiting a friend's house. Free Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Movie Download In HD quality of life. I'm here after that rumor of Christian Bale portraying the main villain in Thor 4 You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Chrissie is hot maaan and she got eaten. My ipad is almost dead beacause of U.

6:33 The rebel on he left Rebel: OH GOD I ALMOST GOT SH- faints

Please do reaction s to the Lord of the rings films after doing the star wars films. One glorious victory for our empire led by one of the best officers our empire ever had. This movie took the the first movie and amplified it by ten times. The budget was bigger. The actors where better. The Special Effects were better. And the fan base was established. George Lucas did not direct this one. Maybe that's what made it good. Some one else had delivered his message.
The addition of Yoda is phenomenal. Frank Oz delivers his finest as the puppeteer and voice of Yoda. The seriousness and humor is well balanced in him. The way he speaks and the way he does things makes him appear so much more wiser than Obi-Wan. Then Sir Alec Guiness delivers again as Obi-Wan Kenobi. The rest of the cast is also great, especially Billy Dee Williams as Lando Callrisian.
This movie is possibly the best of the saga. It definitely is a competitor.

Vader was actually very mad when he found out that he has a son. Immediately after finding that out, he began plotting the overthrow of Palpatine. Omg tell us Y do u want us to spend our money ha. 1:42 Vader: so I started choking him The senate: And then what? Vader: I said to him. Careful not to choke on your aspirations The senate. Editing this scene to include the Senate is one of only a few changes to the OT thats acceptable. It seems like in every trilogy of films, there is always one who shines more than the others. In the original trilogy of "star wars. The Empire Strikes Back" is the one who shines most then the others. I personally don't know why, maybe it's because of a particular scene in the film? No, I am your father. Or maybe because it shows that the heroes not always win and suffer a lot? Or maybe because of the charming look of Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams) Whatever it is, you can't ignore that this film is one of "Star wars" top films and perfect installments of all time.


6:26 I love the way the walker at the back turns its head away in shame 2:26 What is the guy with the binoculars looking at. Battle's infront of you buddy. Free Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back Movie Download In HD quality hotel. The empire in a nutshell I V They protecc They attacc but most importantly, They strike bacc. You mean Space Corona.

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